We decided to pull up the greens and share with anyone present who wanted to take them home. There were no takers...
When asked what to do with them, I said, "Throw them in the dumpster."
How quickly I had forgotten...
A young couple there said, "What if we take them to Jimmie Hale Mission?"
I was caught off-guard! "OF COURSE!" was my immediate response!
But, that's when all my "old training" kicked in... Jimmie Hale receives already prepared meals for the most part. Churches bring meals that have been cooked. I asked if they would be willing to carry them to Firehouse Shelter knowing that in the past, Firehouse readily accepted fresh produce and the cooks there were willing to do the "extra" work. They were happy to carry the greens there.
So, instead of going into the dumpster, hopefully those greens will be on a plate at the shelter!
How quickly I had forgotten that with the plenty that I experience, what seems like waste is often not!
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