Wednesday, May 31, 2006

How does my garden grow???

Saturday, the UMW had a "garden tour" with eight of the woman sharing their gardens with everyone for the purpose of raising money for remodeling of the church kitchen...As one gardener's husband reflected, "they might have raised more money if they had just donated the money that they spent on their gardens!" maybe...

The surprise of it all was how much the RevHub enjoyed it! It took us over 5 hours to visit all the gardens and it really was an education for me! I have not really been much of a gardener over the years--mainly because it does take some $$ to really "landscape" but the lesson I learned Sat. was that good gardeners LOVE to share!!

I came home with several "clippings" and then overnight there appeared three flats of other plants! My problem--I didn't know what they were or whether they needed shade or light!

But, the funniest moment of the day was when one of the older gardeners (89 years of age!) asked if the RevHub would like a cucumber. In the warmth (think HOT--very HOT) of the day, he thought a cucumber might be very nice...He was handed a little cucumber plant!!

Well, I did come home and dutiful plant the cucumber plant and several others in some lovely planters here at the parsonage. They sat on the back stoop in the shade for a couple of days, but Yesterday, I decided to move them to the sunshine on the deck. When I arrived home at the end of the day, I was very dismayed to find several of the plants (including the cucumber plant) and MUCH dirt all over the deck! I did try to put them back into the planters, but alas, I'm afraid the one plan that really didn't survive was the cuke!

RevHub told me that at one point yesterday, he found the puppy asleep in the planter.....I've decided to plant the rest of the plants in the front yard--away from the puppy!!

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